About Us

Welcome to the company Acred, a real estate investment company industry expert specializing in providing tailor made high quality services for home buyers, vendors & landlords of all types, properties, commercial & residential property investments. All aspects of property maintenance and management in one of the most beautiful modern areas in East Africa - the fastest growing areas in Kenya.

Real Estate Market Leader

What is our business and what are we trying to accomplish at Acred Investment ?

We believe that no matter how beautiful the mission is, it should be clear, specific and based on life’s realities. The mission of Acred Investment is simple – to serve all of our clients’ real estate needs in today’s increasingly fast-paced world, first of all to make them happy while looking for their preferred property investment, during the process of flawless legal transactions and over the entire period of ownership.

Services provided by Acred Investment company evoke positive emotions and lead to the changes in clients lives for the better.

Acred Investment also wants to build profitable relationships and create partner & collaborator delight, being responsible together for the success of the mutual business and the further prosperity of both sides. Sharing the responsibility to the clients who entrust the realization of their dream to us, we guarantee an excellent result by relentlessly delivering our traditional care and up-to-date information, technology advancements and modern concepts that become essential to the way we work and live.

Working with investors, developers and real estate development companies, we think not only about one-off profit, but also about the long term mutually beneficial business relationship, and also about the trust they put in us in the search of making the right decision and the chance we can give the investors to increase their capital through effective investments.

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The company Acred Investment is confident that the spirit of the law, rules, ethical principles and values is fundamental to its success, while the commitment to our firm believes is the key to our successful business. Together with the professional and ethical code of behavior, our business principles are the basis of any decision made by the company.

While our basic corporate business principles are firmly established, we continue to adapt them for a changing world and our company’s growth, though we have defined the main principles for doing business, try to follow them and not to change, using them also as the basis for developing our strategy and corporate culture.

We comply with the requirements provided by the law and adhere to the high ethical standards; conduct business transparently, act with integrity, bona fide, not receiving financial benefits violating business ethics; respect the principles of fair competition on a market and comply with all the rules of the professional community and the Code of professional conduct. We respect customers, our employees, investors and partners. 

We are committed to the conservation of the environment, care about safety and health and prosperity of human lives, share our vision of “green” management and eco-construction both with customers and employees and partners, and always recommend the construction or purchasing of environmentally friendly, energy efficient houses and the use of alternative energy sources and technology. 

We are dedicated to being a respected and socially responsible company contributing to the development of the communities we live and operate in. 


If you;

  • Have an impeccable sense of style and like to be surrounded with exclusive things,
  • Are big on taste but short on time,
  • Like your interior to be harmonious, stylish and thoughtful down to the last detail,
  • Want standard landscape design solutions,
  • Just don’t know what you want yet,

Please contact Acred Interior Design! We guarantee quality and our responsible approach to the work at any level, as well as individual approach to each and every client.

  • Acred Interior Design offers:

    • Full project design with individual sketches by hand; estimating a design project budget; creating concept and layouts; style design; ventilation, acoustics and lighting solutions; order and delivery of furniture directly from manufacturers, furniture arrangement; wall finishing, materials and finishes selection; textile design and decoration of premises; customizing and accessorizing; etc.,
    • Drawing and high-quality 3D visualization of design projects, both the interior and exterior,
    • Interior design and decorating professional services (from work paper documentation to hand drawing sketches of exclusive artistic fragments of the interior and furniture and wall art),
    • Projects development and installation of the most advances technologies. (Solar panels and other advance technologies.)
    • Making measurements and developing home remodeling plans,
    • Repair works of any level of complexity,
    • Technical project customization required for the design,
    • Author supervision of the construction and finishing works and project support,
    • Concierge services and property maintenance,
    • Furniture ordering (direct cooperation with various furniture manufactures & retailers) and decorating,
    • Projects aimed to provide better living conditions by creating a harmonious environment (landscape design plot plans, garden design, small architectural forms, functional and decorative constructions).

Welcome to the World of beauty and harmony!

How We Work!

Pushing The Boundaries Of What’s Possible.

Working with Acred Investment we offer you very simple steps to obtain your dream property. From simple manageable steps, Acred gets you to your comfort home.

Choose a Category

Step - 1

Find Real Estate

Step - 2

Selling Property

Step - 3

Take The Key

Step - 4
What Are You Looking For?

Find the Best Places for you.

At Acred, we help you the with most suitable investment tailormade and affordable to needs. With a wide variety of properties, we assure to solve all your property needs.

Want to work with us?

Working with investors, developers and real estate development companies, we think not only about one-off profit, but also about the long term mutually beneficial business relationship.


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